Over at
Quilt With Us (
Connecting Threads quilting community) there's a quilt along group called
Darlene's Slackers. These ladies are a little crazy...often posting 10 pages of comments in a single day. Since 5 of my co-workers are doing this quilt along I've been trying to keep up with all the chatter. On Friday (one of my days off) while reading along I came across a bunch of posts about an imaginary trip they were planning to visit one of the gals in Canada who had baked cinnamon rolls. Everyone was talking about BUNS and that reminded me of this great mug my wonderful Mother-in-law gave me one year for my birthday.

It just so happened that we had planned a sew day on Sunday at work and all the talk about cinnamon buns gave me the great idea to make some.

From scratch.

With cream cheese filling.

Because there was nothing else I should be doing. Like laundry.

And because Dearsie was afraid he wouldn't get any unless I made a double batch, I ended up making 4 dozen on Saturday evening. Didn't finish until 10 PM.
It was worth it.
You silly girl! They look delicious!!! Next time you girls sew on a Sunday let me know! Sounds like it's worth it, quilting AND Treats!!!! Have a great week, Mar