The upstairs room was always supposed to be my craft room but over time became the junk room where anything and everything was dumped. We had old computer parts from the boys many upgrades, computer books going back to Windows 3.1, jugs of water from our Y2K supplies, and on and on.
Here's the before picture:

And 3 days later:

Finally empty:
And the PODS slowly filling up:

We rented a carpet cleaner and got that done July 3. Painted the ceiling and walls July 4.
That picture makes it look like mint green but it isn't. We like Devine paint
--the ceiling is Custard and the walls are Cypress
Next came track lighting. The only light in the room was by the door so Kent had to run wire to the middle of the room. We've had the track lighting units for years but hadn't gotten around to installing them. 2 days, 2 trips to Lowes, 2 trips to Home Depot, and some side errands to Ikea and grocery shopping later I have lights. We got Daylight CFLs. It looks dark because the camera was pointing right at the sunny window. Also pictured is my new Ikea desk (and Kent taking credit for all his hard work) will work for sewing until I get a real sewing table and then it will be come my painting desk as it fits perfectly in the cubby area by the door.